Cooling Pranayama

woman meditating

Cooling Pranayama Doing these breathing exercises will help you to blow off some steam, naturally.  Sheetali How to do: Moon Breathing – Chandra Bhedana How to do: Cooling Yoga Poses Here are some of my summer faves to incorporate into your practice Prasarita Padottanasana – Wide Leg Forward fold All forward folds are considered more […]

Cooling Yoga Poses

woman doing some stretching

Cooling Yoga Poses Here are some of my summer faves to incorporate into your practice Prasarita Padottanasana – Wide Leg Forward fold All forward folds are considered more cooling poses, as opposed to backbends, which tend to be more heating.  Stand with your feet wide apart, toes slightly turned in. Inhale and lengthen your spine, […]

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