What to Do When You Want to Give Up 🙃😵

What to do when you feel like giving up. Today, now that all the construction is completed, there are still people who tell me I am crazy – but now the ‘craziness’ is that it must be so hard to manage this retreat centre and farm. Why would I take on so much work, they ask. Most of the time I am delighted with my life and the business, but when I start to feel stressed, inevitably it is their words I remember, not the many more who tell me how much they love it here and who express deep gratitude for the space.

Almost from the beginning of this project, people would visit the farm and tell me I was crazy to take on so much work. I would show them around, waving my arms enthusiastically while I showed them spaces with crumbling walls and dirt floors that would one day be venue spaces or bedrooms. Thank goodness […]

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